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I have binged this! Excellent!
I have read Metaxas’ book but this podcast is really excellent. I have learned so much more. It’s engaging, inspiring, and speaks to the heart of humanity. I am on the last episode but I will probably start it over and take notes. So good.

This really is incredible
It’s so comprehensive, compelling, and understandable.

Berlin Trip
Love this so far and excited about the trip in June. Is there any cancellation policy? We want to book but wanted to check this out first.

Can’t Wait to Hear What is to Come
This is an incredible and timely podcast. For a lot of us “regular folks” we don’t have much time to contemplate the legacy of Bonhoeffer in the midst of our busy lives. Which is a shame, because it is truly what we need to be thinking about. Lucky for us, these incredible thinkers have done a lot of the work for us—though it will make claims on our lives. So we’ve got some work to do too. But this podcast shows that we’re not doing the work alone. I can’t wait to hear what is to come in future episodes.

Refreshingly Academic & Honest
Tripp Fuller, Jeffrey Pugh, and the team have created an incredible audio documentary series with The Rise of Bonhoeffer! Given how there are far-right figures using Bonhoeffer’s name to fuel their agenda, it is extremely helpful to have this honest and academic project to honestly present Bonhoeffer.

Rev Joanne Leslie
It is so helpful to be introduced to the various experiences that shaped Bonhoeffer and to understand that we can and should grow and change in our understanding of how being Christian relates to whatever version of national or identify politics we have.

Shedding ethnocentrism/ loving God Radically
I have had a love for Bonhoeffer for many years. Ever since reading his biography. Then life together. But I never found anyone to share that love with. Today, I learned a little bit more about my attraction to him. His ability to shed his ethnocentrism in seeing other’s ways of living and worshipping struck a note with me. Now I see myself more clearly as like him in this way. I am 80 years old and rejoicing at finding a brother with whom I fit. It seems, in the world that I have lived, I must leave Jesus in order to do this. Though I know this not to be true. Those around me either cannot see this or cannot be committed to Jesus radical way of living at the same time. Thank you, how I do look forward to the wonderful journey ahead. Your presentation was so alive and ever so enlightening. I live in Auburn Alabama because this is the place that God has chosen for me. I feel like an alien here and today I have found a place. I no longer drive and have been searching for the depth of thought and community I needed. Thank you

Excellent Introduction for the Armchair Theology Nerd
This has been an exhilarating and understandable introduction to Bonhoeffer for a Pentecostal blessed at birth, baptized at ten as a Lutheran, confirmed at 13 and graduated from a Lutheran college, and current 72 year old Reconciling United Methodist . It’s been a long strange trip, for sure. I’ve been called to seminary twice but the call was stronger to marriage, raising twins, and teaching for thirty years in elementary school. HomeBrewed Christianity, Tripp’s classes, and lectures like this keep my mind and soul interested and stimulated. Kudos on this Bonhoeffer venture.